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Step 5: Plan Your Project

Developing your Plan
   The project plan must be documented using the 2012 version of the Eagle Scout Service Project Workbook. The Guide indicates that the ‘Project Details’ section of the workbook should be described with enough detail that it would be possible for another Scout to take over and execute the project without further input from the author. 

Talk to your Troop Committee Chairman and make an appointment to attend a Troop Committee meeting to present your Eagle Project Proposal to the Troop Committee and get their approval for your Eagle Project Proposal. Make two or three copies of your written Eagle Scout Service Project Proposal with the benefitting Organization Representative’s name for the Committee to review. It is also helpful if you have pictures of where your Eagle Project will take place. If presenting over Zoom, have a digital version or PDF ready for committee members to see on screen and be prepared to discuss as much detail as possible about the materials you will use, how you will do the work, and how you will pay for your Eagle Project to help you explain your project to the Troop Committee and answer their questions about your Eagle Project Proposal. (Reminder: Wear your complete Scout uniform and your merit badge sash with all of the merit badges you have received. Have all patches on your uniform including your current rank, patrol, and leadership position.)

Plan, organize, develop, and write your Eagle Scout Service Project Proposal.
REMINDER: Before going to the Eagle Board for Project Approval, you must have
approval signatures from the Benefitting Organization Representative, your Scoutmaster
and your Troop Committee Member. All sections of the Eagle Scout Service Project
Proposal must be complete. You must be able to completely explain your project.

After you receive approval, you may begin work on the project. (You may not start
work on your project until you have received written approval from a District

If your project involves contributions (money or materials) from the beneficiary or you,
your parents or relatives, your unit or chartered organization, or parents or members of your unit,
a fund-raising application is not needed. If you will be obtaining money or materials from any other source, you must submit a completed application to Ed Rogers at the Council Service
Center, 2226 NW Military Hwy, SA, TX 78213, or email to or by fax 210-

If transportation is provided as part of the project, a Tour Plan must be filed. The Tour Planning Worksheet and Tour Plan can be found on the district website. This used to be called a Tour Permit. The completed form can be dropped off or mailed to the [Council address] emailed to [email address of rep], or by fax [fax number]

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