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2018 Welcome New Scouts and Parents

With each new year ,  we find ourselves getting ready for the warm weather to break …. but it broke too soon.    Our Annual Ski trip was melted out  and with that came ……

A flood of new new scouts crossing over.   This year we welcome more than a dozen new scouts….

Exciting that we continue to attract and develop young boys into responsible young adults.

We have activities, skills development, outdoor events lined up to keep them energized and active.

With every new scout coming in –  we say goodbye to some…some make the decision to achieve Eagle

At Troop769  ,  we encourage and guide the Boys on a journey of development,  and in that there are opportunities to earn advancement and Merit Badges that draw them to that best outcome.  It is the Journey and spirit of scouting that we build.  Our outcomes are only the embodiment of those efforts.

Share the journey with us.   It is remarkable what these boys can do….especially when they say on Tuesdays –  are you ready yet?    When they first start – they say can I go ?..   Then it turns to –  I would like to go …… and towards the end …. I need to be at the Church Friday night by 5 ….we are going to ……

Parents – learn how you can be part of that journey  …talk to any of the Volunteers on Meeting night.  Be involved and be rewarded with guiding, encouraging and supporting their journey.  Its more than just your boy…its the group they grow with.

Doug W.


Summer comes to a close and Fall program in full swing

With the summer over and school back in session,  I just want to take a moment to congratulate our scouts on a great summer.   The Troop ( and we are talking about the boys )  provided significant assistance the the 4 Rivers District Cub Scout Day Camp.  They had opportunity to attend Camp Rodney or Camp Henson.  We had a crew attend Northern Tier High Adventure Camp in Canada and Great lakes exploring the territory by canoe. One scout was awarded the coveted triple crown for attending three high adventure camps. We held our annual Aquatics Camp at Lake Kerr.  At our Annual Summer Picnic / Court of Honor we awarded over 120 merit badges and acknowledged 16 Rank advancements.  Wow!

Looking forward to the Fall –  we have a number of camping activities and merit badge opportunities.

We will be camping at Antietam Battlefield National Park where the boys will Bike the C&O Canal from Brunswick to Sharpsburg or Hike the Antietam Historic trail. This year marks the 100th anniversary of the National Parks and it’s a privilege that our boys have such great resources to complement our programs.   We will participate and assist in Woodsmoke and spend another weekend backpack camping a lower segment of the C&O.  Planning is progressing for December – March activities when we will forward to our scout skill weekend and March Merit Badge Madness.

Congratulations Scouts ( and our volunteer adult scouters and parents that make Troop 769 programs thrive!)


Douglas Walcutt

Committee Member


Prepare for Summer Camp

Troop contingents are preparing for Summer Camp

Summer Camp @ Rodney ( June )

Summer camp @ Henson ( July)

Northern Tier Crew prepares to Canoe and Portal the Great Lake Region ( June )

Philmont Crew 2017 prepares with Shakedowns

Aquatics Camp ( a great Family adventure in August )



Prepare for Summer Camp

Troop contingents are preparing for Summer Camp

Summer Camp @ Rodney ( June )

Summer camp @ Henson ( July)

Northern Tier Crew prepares to Canoe and Portal the Great Lake Region ( June )

Philmont Crew 2017 prepares with Shakedowns

Aquatics Camp ( a great Family adventure in August )



Spring 2016 Court of Honor…

awesome – more details coming.   Ranks and Merit badges and special awards all around.

What’s not and what’s in

ScoutMaster Dean steps down not out and ScoutMaster Ortiz is in

Scout book is in – track you son’s progress  sign up now


Troop 769 Welcomes new scouts

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Starting today, we are attending our first of several Cub Scout Pack Blue and Gold and cross-over events where we welcome Arrow of Light Webelos as new Boy Scouts to our troop.   They have explored several troops.   It is our hope,aspiration and the senior boy scouts responsibility to make their choice as fulfilling as was the reason for choosing our Troop.

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