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Advancement Coordinator

Assists in coordinating and overseeing of periodic Boards of Review for advancement of candidates recommended by the Scoutmaster; plans, schedules, and runs the Troop’s Courts of Honor, to include submission of advancement reports to the council office, securing the applicable insignia and certifications, preparing an agenda, ensuring participation of appropriate personnel, arranging refreshments, and providing oversight of scout set-up and clean-up of meeting facilities; and schedules the annual troop picnic.

Equipment Maintenance

Coordinates with Troop Quartermaster and Charter Organization for troop equipment storage, maintenance, and security; guides and assists youth quartermaster who assigns and manages equipment for other members of the Troop during Troop activities and functions; supervises the arrangements to clean, repair, organize, and properly store all equipment, as well as the Troop trailer

Health & Safety

Monitor state and local safety guidelines and ensure troop activities are in compliance.


Assists the Troop in selecting appropriate fundraising opportunities; recruits Scouts as well as adult leaders and family members to assist with fundraising events and other efforts; tracks the income for each of the ongoing fundraising events and opportunities and reports financial information


Maintains and updates the Troop’s website with new and relevant information including upcoming events and pictures of recent activities; helps manage membership and moderate Troop 769’s Facebook page in which members can post pictures and scouting articles of interest.


Ensures that troop leaders and committee members have adequate opportunities for training; Responsible for tracking Youth Protection Training with the troop; Encourages Junior Leader training with the troop and at the council and national levels; Maintains an inventory of up-to-date training audio and visual materials; responsible for maintaining the Troop’s merit badge counselor list.


Maintains the Troop’s Scout and parent membership documents including: Troop registrations, medical forms, and the annual Troop charter; Annually, submits the Troop charter to the Four Rivers Council through the re-chartering process.

Scoutbook Admin

Works closely with Scoutmaster and Advancement coordinator to ensure all links, membership, and calendar are updated regularly. Troubleshoots issues parents may have with their accounts.

Merit Badge Counselor

Assist scouts as they plan the assigned projects and activities to meet all the requirements for a Merit Badge; Coach them through interviews and demonstrations on how to complete the various requirements; approve requirements once satisfied the work has been completed. Counselors must be a registered adult leader with experience and interest in the subject matter and have completed Youth Protection Training within the past year.

Committee Member

Attend monthly committee meetings in which activities are discussed, resources allocated, and details hashed out. Must be a registered adult.

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